Dance Movement Therapy

A psychotherapeutic method that integrates talk with movement and dance. Dance and movement therapy is based on the assumption that the body and psyche interact with each other and that movement and creative expression contribute to the therapeutic process.

We work at a slow pace with movements, I guide you in movement and lead the process forward. We practice body awareness and emotional awareness, understanding the connection between emotions and the body. We focus on your resources, strengthening what works but also on the problem areas that you wish to get help with.

Emotions can be expressed in movement, dance and music. Movements can stimulate imagination and play. Movements can also evoke memories and feelings and thus become a resource in the healing process. The movement can help you understand yourself, express yourself and process. Dance can awaken feelings of joy, comfort, hope and strengthen both self-esteem and vitality. New experiences contribute to new knowledge, narratives and focus.

You participate according to your own ability regardless of large/small mobility, no prior knowledge of dance is needed.